Intro From The Blog Owner

Does the chaos in the world make sense to you today? Do you feel like a vulnerable target of agendas and misinformation for the sake of convincing you to buy something, vote for someone, or join someone’s cause everywhere you go? Does everyone want to tell you what to think? Is your world fragmented into a collage of political, economic, and religious issues? Does it feel overwhelming? If so, I couldn’t blame you for a moment. There are huge organizations with huge budgets that have a tremendous interest in what you think and how you are motivated to make decisions regarding your spending, your voting, your wants, your needs and your behaviors! This reality has been ramping up for quite some time around the world. I don’t belong to, represent, or have a conflict of interest with any of these organizations. On the other hand, I do care about making logical and informed important decisions. I do care about the mental and emotional health of our children, and their opportunity for experiencing a life of freedom as granted by our constitution.

The purpose of Exposing Global Deception is to enable and encourage our young adults to become aware of the actions and motivations of people and organizations that affect their freedom and their opportunities. It is to expose to them the desperate actions taken to acquire their attention and mold their most basic life belief system. As the curtain behind the wizard gets pulled back, it will be crucially important for them to understand how they have been intentionally appealed to through their emotions and relative inexperience in life. As a young adult, I know that you know the difference between being appreciated for your intellect and merely being appealed to through your emotions and addressed as a member of a class that is supposed to have “the right” political, economic, and religious assumptions.

The framework for Exposing Global Deception is made up of five aspects of reality that we are not capable of changing as human beings. It is my belief that what’s real is real regardless of what one thinks. The first aspect is that humans are imperfect, fallible, self-directed beings. We can deny this and claim otherwise, believe otherwise, attempt to behave otherwise, yet the ultimate results of our denials are determined by an unaffected reality. The second aspect of reality is that world history informs us of human nature, those patterns of individual and group behaviors that determine the course of events. Thirdly, there is a natural reality that determines the results of our efforts to interact with it. A person can choose the way they express their gender, but their gender has already been chosen biologically. We can genetically alter what the earth produces, but we cannot alter what the earth produces naturally and spontaneously unless we alter its cause. Then, if we do alter its cause, whatever is produced is no longer natural and spontaneous. The fourth is an economic reality, in which there are inescapable results of economic behavior that are predictable according to the system of valuation in operation, mainly the free market. Today, it still determines whether an economic behavior produces wealth or not. Lastly, and most importantly, is the reality of the individual human being and our potential as individuals to determine the coarse of human events. Upon conception, relative to the health of the mother and her uterus, we have each been granted a potential that is real. Whether we utilize it within our lifetimes depends on so many factors. Nonetheless it’s there. The extent to which we recognize and appreciate it as individuals will determine how proactive we are as individuals. We can effectively squelch its use and depreciate it, but we cannot remove that which has already been made possible.

My relationship to you, my audience, is that of a thought provoking investigator of current events. I intend to serve you with a voice that will enable you to recognize your world and engage it in the most meaningful and exciting ways possible, appealing to and crediting your intellect and your passion for the people you love, your family, your God, your country, and yes, yourself. I will serve you with a voice that brings you both enthusiasm and sobriety to your world vision. I will also bring you the voices of local America, of local industry and community leaders and their perceptions and understandings about current issues in their fields of expertise. Sharing my own, I will appeal to the importance of yours. I also intend to appreciate your attention and respect your time, delineating each well organized topic clearly. Your honest and respectful engagement is to be greatly appreciated and absolutely respected.

My process is to share with you my impression of current events as they are depicted in the media, through the presentation of statements, documented evidence, and personal dialog. At the end of each month, in the near future I will provide a video of a summary of my impression of the most relevant issues of the month. Below are the links to posts related to seven basic subtopics that encompass the basic goals of the globalization movement as headquartered in the United Nations and financed by billionaires and their huge web of international organizations.