We Must Want Freedom More

We must want freedom more than those who are desperate to permanently deprive us

Those who are out to deprive us are much more focused and resourced to deprive us of our basic constitutional freedoms than the patriot freedom fighters of today. That is why they are succeeding! They are much better organized, much better networked, and much better supported than the conservatives today. Yes, there are the brave and invaluable veteran marines that have organized to save hundreds of our citizens and those who have risked their lives to help our troops trapped in Afghanistan. Yes, our conservative governors and attorneys general are suing Biden for the vaccine mandate. Yes, a number of young conservative representatives are giving it their best shot at debating the socialists in congress. There are a number of conservative legal groups helping individuals and groups of individuals to bring local government entities into line. And yes, there are a number of lay people such as healthcare workers and police and firefighter unions pushing back. But where are the rest of lay people, the huge ‘we’ in “We the people,…”? Where is the proof of the extent of support across the country for our freedom?

You probably already know where we are. We are cowering in fear, in fear of losing our jobs, our friends, our family, and whatever freedom we have left. As business owners, we are in fear of losing our customers and our financial support. They are not !

We massage this fear by being glued to the news in hopes of hearing about another individual who calls out the evil that is progressively and successfully snuffing out our freedom. Not until it affects us in some basic and fundamental way at home will we be motivated to get off the couch. And then when we do, it is in such a reactionary mode that we often do not realize. Looking at it from the outside in while we read of parents having screaming matches at parent teacher conferences and school board meetings, I often wonder, do they not realize they are demanding that the committed driver of the runaway train simply change tracks and move in the opposite direction. There is no way this is going to happen! There is no sense in protesting or personally demanding that any department or service of the present government recognize or respect your constitutional freedoms. That opportunity has long past. Our challenge is with those who support these government agencies. Where is the conservative grassroots rebuttal to Black Lives Matter, or to Move On. Org, or to Occupy Democrats. Where are the well organized large enough petitions reaching the desks of your city council members? Where are the well represented petitions against mandatory vaccines that have no scientific basis? Are the American people concerned as to why the CDC does not readily provide all the research information from researchers around the world as opposed to sound bites that resemble a car salesman trying to sell a prototype as a regular car certified for safety and performance. Why are the American people not pressing their government for answers about the suppression of cheap, safe, and viable treatments for COVID 19, especially after a well recognized, well researched doctor, Peter McCullough MD, testified before congress to the fact that these treatments are legitimate and have proven to work in his practice, keeping 85% of his patients out of the ICU, if not out of the hospital altogether? Why are we not hearing from all the conservative parents about the infrastructure bill they are trying to pass in the senate and all the hidden taxes built into it? Why does it take the senate parliamentarian to declare the path to citizenship illegal? Why are the American people not rising up against the huge swell of people crossing into the US illegally who will cost them trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs? They will be trained on the job without having learned English, being totally dependent on the federal government and as such becoming totally loyal to it, inculcated in the morality of socialism. Upon amnesty, these migrants will vastly outnumber the conservatives in a very short period of time. There is no better incentive for them to favor the Democratic party than to be known as criminals to the Republicans. As Ken Paxton, former US Attorney General under Trump, said, ” Biden wanted this to happen”. Even more scary, the entire country will become dependent on them for building and maintaining our electronic infrastructure. Their children will replace our children in the public schools and become indoctrinated into socialism, all paid for by our taxes. Why are we not petitioning the federal government against having our tax dollars pay for public schools even though we may not be sending our children there? We would be better off spending private money to teach them English and to prepare to help them start businesses once they are given amnesty. Why aren’t the American people petitioning the federal government to make COVID testing and vaccination mandatory for them also. Why aren’t they steadfast on making sure that citizenship is granted on the basis of acknowledging the Constitution as the guarantee for the balance of power remaining with the governed and not the government, and the protector of individual rights?

Why aren’t the American people rising up today? Why are there no petitions against elected local government officials? Why are there no local foundations to provide low cost alternatives to public and expensive private schools? Why are the conservative parents not organizing and networking? Is it that they believe the politicians will fix these huge problems. Is it that they believe that at the last minute a hero will come and save them from the ever intensifying tyranny of this administration? Are they not concerned for their children and grandchildren?

They just simply do not believe bad things will happen to them. This is the business as usual mentality. They feel that eventually the political pendulum will swing in their favor and they are willing to wait it out. They may also have confidence in the conservative make up of the US Supreme Court. They may feel safe between the guard rails of the US Constitution. There are a few slight problems with these outlooks on the situation. First of all, in this day of technology, major events and movements can produce longstanding political success or failure such as the first days, weeks of a pandemic, the ending of a war, the response to disasters, Supreme Court appointments, and the diplomatic strategies or lack thereof on immigration. The difference today is that there is no longer a commitment to the principles that guided us in the same general direction. The present party is desperate to make so many permanent changes in the economic, cultural and diplomatic direction of the country by importing an entire socialist workforce overnight, starving the country’s economic engine of profits and disposable income for decades to come, and dissolving its sovereignty by enlisting the authority of the Untied Nations and more specifically the UN security council. Just today the president justified his recognition of the a terrorist take over of a nation by assuring that they were under the authority of the UN Security Council. By design the US will be diplomatically committed to starving its economy by sucking the ability to produce wealth from the private sector to consuming its wealth through the public sector as it expands its welfare state dramatically, housing millions of immigrants and paying their wages as they build the infrastructure of the Green New Deal, raising taxes on those that produce wealth until they can’t. All this because we now have a population of indoctrinated voters that don’t know anything about wealth itself. The United States will lose its exceptionalism and therefore its value in the world as it loses its freedoms, granting citizenship to those that are not willing to assimilate into the genuine understanding and interpretation of the Constitution. Our Constitution will become misinterpreted to accommodate the prioritization of ‘the common good’ as opposed to individual freedom. The guardrails of the Constitution are no longer relevant to a significant proportion of our population! We are essentially surrendering our country to the global elitists that wrote the playbook for how to bring about these tragic permanent changes to the United States. This is exactly what Obama was really referring to when he promised “change was coming to America”. He is still working feverishly behind the scenes to produce these changes through the Obama Foundation Scholars Program and the many organizations that have always supported him, through networking, and through the support of the UN.

It is now time to drop the business as usual mentality and defend our freedom from within by withdrawing our financial and representative support from all the destructive initiatives of this treasonous regime! Pull the children out of the public schools, petition the city councils and the mayors about law and order, property values and taxes, and individual freedom. Boycott businesses that promote employees according to race as opposed to merit. Boycott businesses that support radical groups that promote violent rioting and donate to the democratic party and their affiliates. Support young conservative political candidates willing to take their fight to the entire elitist-democrat machine and disclose their real agenda of using every demographic group as a means to an end that will leave them poor and powerless. Its time for the Christians to claim where the constitutional individual rights came from and answer the question: Why and how are our rights God given as proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence. They must learn to claim this in and out of church! It’s time for parents to teach their children about the realities of world history, the realities of human nature and gender, the realities of science, of geological history and the false claims of the causes of global warming, and the realities of economics and wealth. It is time to create the organization, networking, and financial support that this movement requires.

Where do the “inalienable individual rights” come from? Many would quickly respond by saying the Declaration of Independence. It is simply impossible to defend what is not valuable enough to you. It may not be valuable enough due to lack of knowledge, understanding, and or relevance. It is an indisputable fact that a significant number of our population aren’t really aware of where their freedom to choose their lifestyle, beliefs, and associations come from. Many aren’t even aware that these are freedoms to appreciate. Our freedoms come from an agreed upon valuation of a sincere commonly held belief. The commonly held belief that our Creator has endowed us with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is where our freedoms came from. At any time throughout history any aggressor to the United States could have simply occupied it all over again if it wasn’t for the fact that its people still commonly held that belief. The British tested our will in 1812 and provoked our national anthem. The Communist Party, largely made up from Jewish women, seeking equal value in the workplace through unions, made an attempt to test our belief from the early 1920s to the mid-1950s largely through social and cultural activities. The brutal anti-semitism that flourished in the communist countries and the McCarthy movement brought the Communist Party to an all time low. The Japanese tested our commonly held belief and our will to remain sovereign as a nation in WWII. The Nazis threatened our national will to protect our freedom once more. Through all these threats, the people of the United States maintained their commonly held belief in their Creator and their rights as individuals successfully enough.

Today, this foundational sincere belief is not held commonly enough to produce a sufficient national will to protect freedom. This belief has to be revisited by going deeply into the lives that acknowledged it in the first place. The progression of provocation from the British, the power and control that was sought over everyday life, the persecution of individuals seeking religious and economic freedom all should be visited through personal letters and public accounts. The history of the progression of British rule in Britain and the colonies up until the tyranny reigned upon the colonists by King George in order to force and fearmonger their loyalty upon him has to be examined. This has to be contrasted to the ultra -feeble response of the conservative citizenry today. The lack of a true conservative media that actually asks the right questions and doesn’t stop at the assumption that the current administration is simply incapable of doing a better job is a tell tale sign that we have caved big time. The assumption that all these calamities are due to their incompetence is beyond naïve. It is playing directly into the elitist’s plan because it has no social impact, nor does it have any mobilizing power. Casting these government actors as intentional and complicit in treasonous actions and associations would have a much better impact. Revealing the timeline of seemingly unrelated events and communications may go along way into disclosing a well intentioned, well funded elitist movement through a well chosen puppet regime. This is their characteristic mode of operations around the world.

The lack of this crucial commonly held belief among the people of the United States is the real cause of their success. They spent decades preparing our young people for their crucial roles in all of this. They know, as does Barack Obama, that the US Constitution is only as relevant as this belief in our Creator, the God of the Bible. Without this, any government can simply misinterpret it or declare it publicly irrelevant. Very soon comes the day where swearing upon the Bible will not be aloud. Our individual rights are about to become alienable. This, then, is the point of no return. Once a people has ceased to believe that their rights are unalienable, a government can then effectively declare that these rights are granted as a privilege by the government itself. All the people have to do is declare the priority of the socialist ‘common good’ which unless prescribed by those in power, does not really exist. It denies the reality of human nature at its core. It is our human nature that only when we acknowledge our identity as individuals valuable to society that we compete best. It is only out of this competitive spirit that we are enabled to contribute our best to society. It is human nature that only by this level of contribution can society actually progress in a positive and humane, albeit imperfect manner. We all know that no group comes up with a new idea. Only an individual within a group, sufficiently incentivized, can contribute a valuable idea, which then takes life among the group, one individual at a time. It is our very uniqueness as individuals that gives us the potential to contribute. This is the sort of contribution that has allowed society to progress from the stone age to now. This is historical fact. Somehow, our young people have been deceptively convinced that this is not true. What matters more to them is what the group is supposed to think, and therefore, the behavior that follows. They simply don’t have an inkling of how dangerous this actually is.

How are we going to start? In order to weed the garden, you must not only pull the weeds, but replace the soil with nutrients and weed killer. The weeds are all the lies that are systematically being fed to our public school students. The weed killer is the disclosure to them of how they are being indoctrinated and used. The nutrients are the mountains of evidence of what is actually true: letters, journals, official documents, timelines, and logic trees. How do we start? What do we do? The elitists are moving fast to make the following illegal.

  1. Arm your children with crucial questions they can ask their public school teachers.
  2. Bring your spouse onto the same page.
  3. Call a family meeting outlining your observations and your family goals.
  4. Call a friend that you can trust and find a homeschooling association in your area that will direct you to the right educational resources. They are now quite plentiful on and off line
  5. Find out how to start your homeschool legally or who you can trust to reliably tutor your children.
  6. Learn how to write petitions about issues decided by your city council or county commissioners and/or state representatives.
  7. Network with people you can trust. Find which candidates for local office to support and create fundraisers.
  8. Keep abreast of local candidates for local office and of bills being introduced into your state legislature, petition representatives and candidates and spell out exactly what you support and what you don’t.
  9. Endorse candidates based on their priorities and their character.
  10. Learn how to start a foundation that promotes conservative community reliance.